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Earth Day Contemplations

I’ve been reading a lot lately, and my non-fiction topic of choice these days has been on behavior change, habit formation and what motivates us to make change & stick with it.  An important piece of the puzzle is often thought to be “controlling the stimulus”. In other words, change your environment to make some a habit easier or harder to do, depending upon whether it’s a habit you want to increase or decrease.  Another important piece of the puzzle, especially if your ultimate goal is large (for example: going vegan) is to start small with your habit changes and scale up as you build confidence in your ability to succeed at the small steps (i.e. incorporate one meat-free meal a week).  

Sheltering in place has presented all of us with the ultimate in Stimulus Control–we have been ordered to stay home and limit our movements to essential needs only.  What this has looked like for me has been a 50/50 blend of stress & anxiety, tempered with lots of reflection, clarity and much needed slowness. Amidst all of it, I find myself with MANY habit changes, some chosen, some thrust upon me, but many of them positive.  I am spending much less time in my car. I am eating many more meals at home. I am exercising more, and simply enjoying much more of the activities that bring me peace & joy, like gardening, cooking, reading and crafting.  

On a global scale, this giant experiment in Stimulus Control still leaves many of us wondering how we will bounce back, but our planet has had a small opportunity to breath a dose of fresh  air.  And there is research (2018 Moser & 2001 Fujii) that suggests that moments of change, like this pandemic, can lead to the introduction of lasting habits, and in this particular instance, many of those habits are also good for the Earth.  It also gives some hope to the idea that rapid action CAN be taken to combat the effects of climate change, and that communities are better when they look out for one another.  

We may just be a Center for Bodywork to many, but we are so much more than that too.  We are parents (and currently teachers too), we are small business owners, we are runners, we are gardeners, we are cooks, we are crafters, we are renters, we are Santa Cruzans, we are Aptosians, and we are in this together with all of you.  We are looking forward to returning to Normal–while also finding clarity in how we want our Normal to be different than before. Maybe a little more family time and a little less car time. Maybe more homemade bread and a little less food waste.  More socializing with neighbors and less time in front of the TV. What about you? How do you envision your New Normal?